Chocolate Quinoa

It’s true what they say, who you are matters more than what you say in determining who your children will become. It’s a slow and steady process. I’m six months in to eating differently and paying more attention to my health (some weeks it goes better than others but there are no failures when you don’t give up) and my super fussy eater has not only tried and even liked a few new things but has been reading and thinking about allergies and food that makes you feel better. Now if only I could find a way to cope better with them being really irritating so I could pass that on to them too. Or maybe siblings will just always get wound up by each other no matter what. 🙂

The last few weeks I’ve also started consciously working on not letting anxiety stop me from achieving what I want. I know that doing the thing that makes me anxious is almost always not as bad as not doing it and getting anxious over what might happen. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I need to head back and re-read The Opposite of Worry and maybe get on and write my diary so I can move on to the next part of the CBT course rather than continue to just avoid it by starting other courses. At least the learn to code HTML and CSS course is really interesting and making my brain work hard and being encouraged by my son to give it a go and keep going is super special.

Despite prevailing opinions on quinoa in the household I decided to give a quinoa experiment a go this week. So I made some for my lunch which was yummy and then made the rest into quinoa crispies like this it wasn’t the weather for having the oven on for longer than necessary so I took the opportunity to slow roast some veggies which means that my dinner is under control for today. Not often I’m that organised so feel pleased with myself!

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The quinoa didn’t all get the same amount crispy but it was sticking to the tray more and more so I decided it was time to move on.

To make it into Quinoa Crunch Bars.

These are so simple. I didn’t have (and don’t like) stevia but I’m also used to things not so sweet now. If you’re not used to being sugar-free or don’t want to be then a teaspoon or even half a teaspoon of icing sugar would work really well.

Decided to be extra decadent and put some melted chocolate on top before they went in the freezer. When they came out they looked great.

They taste like a chocolate bar. The only issue for me was a little bit of getting quinoa stuck in my teeth, worth it for the kick for sure. Two of the taste team found them a little too chocolatey but the maybe not so fussy anymore one wanted a second piece!

Back in the kitchen

Maybe there’s an award for most neglected blog that hasn’t actually been given up on…

So here I am back in the kitchen, its been a year of reflection and thought. There’s not been too much baking. I’m ready for a new start on everything. I need to learn who I really am, when I stop trying to make everyone else happy or do and like the things I’m supposed to.

So my challenge to myself this year of 2017 is to start making choices based on what I really love not on what I aught to do and to see where it takes me. A year of positive choices. 

My first choice is setting myself the challenge of a weekly bake. I cooked and baked in my new kitchen today and I saw the glow in my eyes in the mirror, that’s how I want to feel, not like I’m struggling through life just about making it, but inspired. 

Then this happened 

And I didn’t cry or get cross with myself for being so useless I accepted these things happen sometimes it doesn’t reflect on who I am its just something that happened. And that’s the thing I’m most proud of myself for today. 

So will you join me, encourage me, encourage yourself to make choices you love and to treat yourself with kindness?